"Santa to the Sea" Scholarship Grant for Entering Students
Santa to the Sea is a nonprofit organization that hosts an annual event born out of a desire to give back to the community.
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Students entering college
- Enrolled at Oxnard College either part-time or full-time
- will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
- Qualifying students will be graduating from a Ventura County high school
"Santa to the Sea" Scholarship Grant for Continuing/Returning Students
Santa to the Sea is a nonprofit organization that hosts an annual event born out of a desire to give back to the community.
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Be a Continuing/Returning student enrolled at Oxnard College
- Enrolled either part-time or full-time
- will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
"Santa to the Sea" Scholarship Grant for Transfer Students
Santa to the Sea is a nonprofit organization that hosts an annual event born out of a desire to give back to the community.
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Be a Transfer student enrolled at Oxnard College, transferring to a 4-year university.
- Enrolled either part-time or full-time
- will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
AAUW (American Association of University Women) Scholarship Grant
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Be a Continuing/Re-entry Student attending Oxnard College
- STEAM major
- GPA of 3.0 or above
Academic Senate Leadership Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available for continuing and returning students. Must be a full-time continuing student at Oxnard College in the Fall semester. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Students must demonstrate leadership skills and be active on campus and in the community. Academic Senate selects recipient.
Adele Cunningham Memorial Scholarship (Altrusa Club International of Oxnard, Inc.)
This scholarship grant is available to continuing and returning students. Must be a continuing or returning/re-entry student. (A returning student is defined as an individual returning to higher education after a break of two or more years). Must be a full-time Oxnard College student. Student will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.9.
Students in the following major will qualify:
1) Adele Cunningham Memorial Scholarship - Any Major
Associated Student Government (ASG) Leader Scholarship Grant for Continuing/Returning Students
This scholarship grant is awarded on behalf of the Associated Student Government (ASG) from Oxnard College.
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Be a Continuing/Returning student enrolled at Oxnard College
- Must be attending full-time
- Earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.6
- Must demonstrate involvement in community or campus activities that serve the greater good
Associated Student Government (ASG) Leader Scholarship Grant for Transfer Students
This scholarship grant is available for transfer students. Students must be attending full-time at Oxnard College, and will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.6. Student must demonstrate involvement in community or campus activities that serve the greater good. Supplemental 250 word essay: Describe your leadership, community and extracurricular activities titled: "Leadership, Community and Extracurricular Activities". Student Government Selection Committee will select recipient(s).
Associated Student Government Officer/Senator "Outstanding ASG Officer of the Year" Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is awarded on behalf of the Associated Student Government (ASG) from Oxnard College.
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Be a Transfer student enrolled at Oxnard College, transferring to a 4-year university.
- Must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 or more units at the time the award is disbursed.
- Students will have completed at least 48 units at Oxnard College.
- Earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
- Must have participated in a leadership role with Oxnard College's ASG for at least two complete semesters - please attach short essay describing your participation and time commitment to ASG activities that serves the campus and/or community
- Letter of Recommendation from ASG Advisor preferred.
The awardee is chosen by the Oxnard College President.
Automotive Technology Club Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available for continuing and returning students. Students must be continuing and completed at least 12 units at Oxnard College in Automotive Technology. Students can either be a full or part-time student at Oxnard College, and will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Students must be a Ventura County Resident. Automotive Program faculty selects recipient.
Avelina Villalobos Memorial Scholarship Grant, Western Ventura County Employers Advisory Council
To qualify for the Avelina Villalobos Memorial Scholarship Grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- be a Continuing/Returning student enrolled at Oxnard College
- earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above
- be enrolled full-time
- be majoring in a Business-related field and pursuing a related career pathway
Barbara Fontes Memorial Scholarship Grant for the Arts
This scholarship grant is available for continuing and returning students. Students must be a full-time continuing student at Oxnard College, and will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Students will be pursuing a degree in Studio Arts. Fontes Family Committee selects recipient.
Benjamin R. Secor Memorial Automotive Scholarship Grant for Entering Students
The Ben Secor Memorial Scholarship provides opportunities to Entering students seeking careers in the automotive industry. The scholarship is named in memory of Ben Secor, a fun-loving and gifted mechanic, who put others first. Through the scholarship grant, Ben's legacy will be found through students supported by the scholarship, representing the next generation of automotive experts.
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students should meet the following criteria:
- Must be an Entering Oxnard College student.
- May be enrolled part-time or full-time at Oxnard College.
- Certificate students are considered.
- should have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
- Must be majoring in Automotive Technology.
- Must be a Ventura County Resident.
Bonker Babes Memorial Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available for continuing and returning students. Must be continuing at Oxnard College, enrolled full-time at Oxnard College. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
Must be pursuing a degree or transfer in one of the following STEM Majors:
- Math
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Computer Science/Information Systems
- Engineering: Electrical, Computer, Chemical, Mechanical, Civil, and Nano Material
- Sciences: Computer, Environmental
Bonker Babes Committee selects recipient.
CARE (Co-operative Agencies, Resources for Education) Award
This scholarship grant is available for continuing and returning students. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and in "good standing" in the CARE Program. Must be continuing in the Oxnard College CARE Program in the upcoming Fall. Students must have unmet need as determined by the Financial Aid Program. CARE Department selects and funds recipient.
Carmen Ramirez Memorial Scholarship Grant
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Be a Continuing/Re-entry Student attending Oxnard College
- Child or grandchild of fieldworker(s)
- Resident of Ventura County
The OC Foundation Committee will review and select recipients. Select members of the Friends of Fieldworkers may also participate on the committee.
Carnegie Art Cornerstones Scholarship Grant
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Must be a Transfer students
- Enrolled full-time preferred
- Must be a declared Art Major (all Visual Arts)
- Will have earned a GPA of 3.0
- Must provide an Artists Mission Statement to describe intent and why the candidate expresses themselves through the visual arts
- Provide 3 examples of how the candidate is successfully fulfilling their personal visual statement
- Resident of Ventura County
- Willingness to mentor other art students is desired
- Open to all visual art majors
- Amount varies to student each year
Donor Organization (Sue Chadwick, Suzanne Bellah, Robert Cabral and 1 art faculty selects recipient(s)
Cecilia Cabrera-Urango Memorial Scholarship Grant
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students should meet the following criteria:
- Be an Entering student enrolled at Oxnard College
- Enrolled either part-time or full-time
- Preference given to those who have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
- Must be a Ventura County resident
- Students will be pursuing a degree or transfer in a medical field
Classified Senate Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available for continuing and returning students. Must be a continuing student at Oxnard College, attending full-time. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Describe involvement in extracurricular activities. Must have a Letter of Recommendation from a classified staff employee (not academic or management) at Oxnard College. Classified Senate Committee selects recipient.
Classified Senate Scholarship Grant - Student Worker
This scholarship grant is available for Continuing/Returning students who serve as a Student Worker at Oxnard College. Students must be enrolled full-time. Students must identify their position/department and list their direct supervisor.
CRM (Culinary Restaurant Management) Continuing Student Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available for continuing and returning students. Must major in culinary and/or restaurant management. Must be continuing student at Oxnard College, enrolled full-time. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Must be enrolled in two CRM Classes at Oxnard College. Students will be a 2nd year student. CRM Committee selects the recipient.
CRM (Culinary Restaurant Management) Entering Scholarship Grant
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students should meet the following criteria:
- Be an Entering student enrolled at Oxnard College
- Majoring in Culinary and/or Restaurant Management
- Be enrolled full-time
- Preference given to students who have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
- Must be enrolled in two CRM classes at Oxnard College at the time award is disbursed.
CRM (Culinary Restaurant Management) Transfer Student Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available for transfer students from Oxnard College. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 or more units at the time the award is disbursed - must major in culinary and/or restaurant management. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Students must be transferring to a 4-year or private institution in the Fall. CRM Committee selects the recipient.
Daviene Warshawsky Memorial Scholarship (Altrusa Club International of Oxnard, Inc.)
This scholarship grant is available to continuing and returning students. Must be a continuing or returning/re-entry student. (A returning student is defined as an individual returning to higher education after a break of two or more years). Must be a full-time Oxnard College student. Student will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.9.
Students who major in the following will qualify:
2) Daviene Warshawsky Memorial Scholarship - Vocational Major
Don Zrehigian Memorial Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant, honoring the memory and life of Don Zrehigian, is awarded to individual(s) looking to pursue training for Paralegal careers.
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students should meet the following criteria:
- Must be a Continuing/Returning student at Oxnard College.
- Earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
- Must be a Ventura County resident
- Must be majoring in Paralegal Studies
Dorothy Huston Memorial Scholarship (Altrusa Club International of Oxnard, Inc.)
This scholarship grant is available to continuing and returning students. Must be a continuing or returning/re-entry student. (A returning student is defined as an individual returning to higher education after a break of two or more years). Must be a full-time Oxnard College student. Student will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.9.
Students majoring in the following will qualify:
4) Dorothy Huston Memorial Scholarship - Nursing or Health Services Major;
Dr. Maria T. Klein Teacher Pathway Memorial Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to students pursuing a degree to transfer to a baccalaureate institution. Aspiring K-12 teacher. Full time student. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale. Additional 100-150 word essay on: Why are you inspired to become a teacher? What are you most proud of offering to your future students? Provide evidence of participation in clubs, teacher pathway workshops, or other examples to demonstrate a value of being a part of a community.
EAC/Orange Family Scholarship Grant
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Transferring student to a baccalaureate institution
- Pursuing a certificate or degree
- GPA of 3.0 or above
Donor - Leo Orange & committee select recipients
Edison International Continuing Student Scholarship Grant for STEM Majors
This scholarship grant is available for continuing and returning students. Qualified candidates will be full-time continuing student enrolled and attending the Fall semester at Oxnard College. Students will have completed at least 12 units at Oxnard College. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Students must have unmet financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office.
Must be majoring in one of the below STEM Majors: Name Major:
1) Business - Management Information Systems;
2) Computer & Information Services: Computer Programming, Computer Science, Info Systems/Technology;
3) Engineering: Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Communication, Industrial Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Software, Computer Engineering, and Nano Engineering;
4) Mathematics: Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science/Information Systems;
5) Engineering Technology: Computer Engineering Technology, Construction Technology, Drafting and Design Technology, Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Surveying Technology, Telecommunication Technology;
6) Natural Resources and Conservation: Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Forestry, National Resources and Conservation, Wildlife and Wilderness Management;
7) Physical Sciences: Applied Physics, Applied Chemistry, Chemistry, Geology/Earth Science, Geophysics, Physics, Comprehensive Science
Edison International Entering Student Scholarship Grant for STEM Majors
This scholarship grant is available for entering students. Qualified candidates will be full-time first year student enrolled and attending the Fall semester at Oxnard College. Preference given to students will have earned a high school minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Students must have unmet financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office. Must be majoring in one of the below STEM Majors: Name Major:
1) Business - Management Information Systems;
2) Computer & Information Services: Computer Programming, Computer Science, Info Systems/Technology;
3) Engineering: Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Communication, Industrial Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Software, Computer Engineering, and Nano Engineering;
4) Mathematics: Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science/Information Systems;
5) Engineering Technology: Computer Engineering Technology, Construction Technology, Drafting and Design Technology, Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Surveying Technology, Telecommunication Technology;
6) Natural Resources and Conservation: Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Forestry, National Resources and Conservation, Wildlife and Wilderness Management;
7) Physical Sciences: Applied Physics, Applied Chemistry, Chemistry, Geology/Earth Science, Geophysics, Physics, Comprehensive Science
Edison International Student Scholarship Grant - Fire Academy I/II
This scholarship grant is available to students who must be qualified and attending Fall semester in OC Firefighter I/II Academy. Full-time Continuing student at Oxnard College. Earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in both prerequisite courses (Please attach Schedule/Bill): EMT R169 Emergency and Medical Technician and FT R151 Fire Protection Organization. OCF Selection Committee selects recipients.
Edison International Transferring Student Scholarship Grant for STEM Majors
This scholarship grant is available for full-time transferring students from Oxnard College to a baccalaureate institution. Students will have completed at least 48 units at Oxnard College, and will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8. Must have unmet financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office. Must be majoring in one of the below STEM Majors: Name Major:
1) Business - Management Information Systems;
2) Computer & Information Services: Computer Programming, Computer Science, Info Systems/Technology;
3) Engineering: Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Communication, Industrial Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Software, Computer Engineering, and Nano Engineering;
4) Mathematics: Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science/Information Systems;
5) Engineering Technology: Computer Engineering Technology, Surveying Technology, Telecommunication Technology;
6) Natural Resources and Conservation: Environmental Science, Environmental Studies, Forestry, National Resources and Conservation, Wildlife and Wilderness Management;
7) Physical Sciences: Applied Physics, Applied Chemistry, Chemistry, Geology/Earth Science, Geophysics, Physics, Comprehensive Science
Emmie Brownlee Scholarship Grant
To be eligible for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- a transfer student completing an AA, AS, or AD-T
- be transferring to a 4-year college or university
- majoring in any one of the 6 disciplines within Visual and Performing Arts -- Art, Communication Studies, Dance, Music, FTVE, or Theatre
England Family Memorial Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available for continuing and returning students. A returning/re-entry student is defined as returning to higher education after a break of two or more years. Must be enrolled as a full-time student at Oxnard College. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Must be majoring in one of the following STEM Majors: Business, Computer and Information Services, Engineering, Natural Resources and Conservation, Physical Sciences
EOPS (Extended Opportunity Programs and Services) Continuing Student Award
This scholarship grant is available for continuing and returning students. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 and in "good standing" in the EOPS Program. Must be continuing in the Oxnard College EOPS Program in the upcoming Fall. EOPS selects and funds the recipient.
EOPS Honors Students Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available for continuing and returning students. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.75 and must be in "good standing" in the EOPS Program. Must be continuing in the Oxnard College EOPS/CARE Program in the upcoming Fall. Students must have unmet need as determined by the Financial Aid Program. EOPS selects and funds the recipient.
EOPS Transferring Student Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available for transfer students. Must be transferring student from Oxnard College to a 4-year college or University in the Fall. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Must have unmet financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office. Students must be in "good standing" in the EOPS Program. EOPS Committee selects the recipient.
Garden Club Westlake Village Scholarship Grant
Founded in 1969 the Westlake Village Garden Club is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that offers education, resources, and networking opportunities for members to develop civic and environmental responsibility, to support philanthropic programs, and to promote the love of gardening.
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Be a Transfer student enrolled at Oxnard College, transferring to a 4-year university
- Must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 or more units at the time the award is disbursed.
- Earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
- Must be pursuing a career in agriculture, botany, conservation, ecology, environmental science, forestry, or related field
The donor funds directly to the 4-year university
Geneva "Jean" Hall Scholarship (Altrusa Club International of Oxnard, Inc.)
This scholarship grant is available to continuing and returning students. Must be a continuing or returning/re-entry student. (A returning student is defined as an individual returning to higher education after a break of two or more years). Must be a full-time Oxnard College student. Student will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.9.
Students majoring in the following will qualify:
9) Geneva "Jean" Hall Scholarship - Major in Education
George Lauterbach Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available for continuing and returning students. Must be continuing student at Oxnard College enrolled full-time. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8. Describe your leadership, community and extracurricular activities. Students will be pursuing a major in Engineering or Architectural.
Gilbert & Vera Ramirez Memorial Transfer Scholarship Grant
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Transferring student to a baccalaureate institution
- Pursuing a certificate or degree
- GPA of 3.0 or above
- Submit a 1 page essay describing the need for the scholarship and how you intend to use these funds
- Must have a Letter of Recommendation from an OC Transfer Counselor
OCF Selection Committee selects recipient(s)
Global Medical Response Scholarship Grant
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Enrolled in OC EMT class
- GPA of 3.0 or above
- Submit a 1 page essay describing the need for this scholarship and how you intend to use these funds
- Must have a Letter of Recommendation from an OC EMT Faculty
OCF Selection Committee selects recipient(s)
Greater Oxnard Organization of Democrats (GOOD) Club Scholarship Grant - Continuing/Returning Students
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Must be a continuing/returning student to Oxnard College
- Full time student. Cumulative GPA 3.0
- Must have completed 24 units, but no more than 85 by the end of Spring Semester
- Must provide essay describing your leadership, community and extracurricular activities
GOOD Club Committee selects recipient(s).
Greater Oxnard Organization of Democrats (GOOD) Club Scholarship Grant - Transfer Students
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Must be a transferring student from Oxnard College to a baccalaureate institution
- Enrolled at Oxnard College
- Enrolled full time
- Earned a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above
- Must essay describing your leadership, community and extracurricular activities
GOOD Club Committee selects recipient(s)
Health Care Scholarship (Altrusa Club International of Oxnard, Inc.)
This scholarship grant is available to continuing and returning students. Must be a continuing or returning/re-entry student. (A returning student is defined as an individual returning to higher education after a break of two or more years). Must be a full-time Oxnard College student. Student will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.9.
Students majoring in the following will qualify:
6) Health Care Scholarship - Major in Nursing/Any Health Care/Vocational Health Care Services;
John Frederick Elmer Scholarship Grant
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Be a Continuing/Re-entry Student attending Oxnard College
- Earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale
- grant to support EAC students
Donors will participate in the selection process. Selection committee to include Joanne Elmer Jacobs, Lori Jacobs, and an Oxnard College EAC Counselor. OC Foundation staff will also participate on the committee.
John K. Flynn Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to entering students enrolled at Oxnard College. Qualified candidates will be either a full or part-time student. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Ventura County Resident. Students will be pursuing a degree or transfer to a baccalaureate institution. John K. Flynn Committee selects recipient.
John P. and Lillian M. Sedlak Memorial Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to transfer students. Must be a full-time transferring student from Oxnard College to a 4-year University. Students must have enrolled in a minimum of 6 or more units at the time the award is disbursed. Must have completed PSY R112 Parent/Child Interaction with a minimum of 3.0 (Proof Required). Must be a Ventura County Resident. John P. and Lillian M. Sedlak Committee selects recipient.
Kyle Jaeger Memorial Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is awarded to honor the memory and life of Kyle Jaeger, an aspiring firefighter with VCFD.
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Must be enrolled in the Firefighter Academy I/II Regional Fire Academy at Oxnard College
- Earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
- Provide an additional essay - "Describe in brief, how this scholarship would benefit you financially."
- Provide a 1 page resume outlining Education, Training and past work experience
- Ventura County Resident
Las Madrinas - Rebozo Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to continuing and returning students. A returning/re-entry student (an individual returning to higher education after a break of two or more years) at Oxnard College. Qualified candidates will be either a full-time or part-time student at Oxnard College. Las Madrinas-Rebozo Scholarship Committee selects recipient.
Lauritzen Cool AB Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to continuing/returning students. Must be son/daughter of an active registered member of the International Longshoreman & Warehouseman Union. Must be continuing at Oxnard College full-time student at Oxnard College. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. $500 provided for Fall 2023 and $500 provided for Spring 2024.
League of Women Voters Ventura County Scholarship Grant
The League of Women Voters Ventura County believes in the power of women to create a more perfect democracy. That's been their vision since 1920, when the League of Women Voters was founded by leaders of the women’s suffrage movement. For 100 years, The League of Women Voters has been a nonpartisan, activist, grassroots organization that believes voters should play a critical role in democracy.
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Must be a Transfer student enrolled at Oxnard College and transferring to an accredited, 4-year University
- Enrolled full-time
- Earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0
- Leadership, community, and extracurricular activities are a plus
- Must have completed or currently be enrolled in a Political Science, History, or Government course
- Must be enrolled in 12 units at the time award is claimed
OCF Board Committee selects recipient(s)
Luke Langelier Memorial Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant honors a special person who, despite his disability, overcame challenges to pursue a bachelor's degree with the dream of teaching. Luke Langelier earned an associate's degree in Liberal Arts from Oxnard College in 1995.
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Must be a Transfer student transferring to an accredited, 4-year university.
- Be enrolled full-time at Oxnard College.
- Must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
Macy Boser Memorial Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to transfer students. Must be transferring student from Oxnard College. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 or more units at the time the award is disbursed. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5. Must be graduating from Oxnard College at the end of the Spring semester and transferring to a baccalaureate institution. Must be a Ventura County Resident. Students must be pursuing a career in veterinarian medicine or the medical field. Macy Boser Committee selects recipient.
Management Major Scholarship (Altrusa Club International of Oxnard, Inc.)
This scholarship grant is available to continuing and returning students. Must be a continuing or returning/re-entry student. (A returning student is defined as an individual returning to higher education after a break of two or more years). Must be a full-time Oxnard College student. Student will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.9.
Students majoring in the following will qualify:
8) Management Major Scholarship - Major in any field of management including hotel and restaurant;
Muriel Ballauf Memorial Scholarship (Altrusa Club International of Oxnard, Inc.)
This scholarship grant is available to continuing and returning students. Must be a continuing or returning/re-entry student. (A returning student is defined as an individual returning to higher education after a break of two or more years). Must be a full-time Oxnard College student. Student will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.9.
Students who major in the following will qualify:
5) Muriel Ballauf Memorial Scholarship - Radiation or Radiation related Major;
OCF Board of Directors Scholarship Grant
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Be a Continuing/Returning student
- Must be continuing student at Oxnard College
- Enrolled full-time
- Earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 4.0
- Leadership, community and extracurricular activities (please attach a description of activities)
OCF Firefighter I - PPE Rental Scholarship Grant
To qualify for this scholarship grant, student must meet the following criteria:
- Earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in both prerequisite courses (Please attach Schedule/Bill):
- EMT R169 Emergency & Medical Technician
- FT R151 Fire Protection Organization
- Must be completing Certification for OC Firefighter Academy I/II at the end of current semester
- OCF Selection Committee selects recipients
Osher Initiative for California Community College Students Scholarship Grant
This grant is available to continuing students - awarded for full-time (12 units or more = $725) or part-time (9-11.5 units = $543.75) (6-8.5 units = $362.50). Students must be enrolled in at least 6 or more units during all terms in which the award remains active. Students must be currently receiving the CA College Promise Grant through Financial Aid. Must have completed 24 or more semester units for Fall 2024. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Award up to $650 for Fall 2024 and $650 for Spring 2025 each; will be pro-rated based on enrollment at Oxnard College.
Oxnard Gem and Mineral Society - Lois and Bill Allmen Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to transfer students. Must be a transferring student from Oxnard College. Students must have enrolled in a minimum of 6 or more units at the time the award is disbursed. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Must be a Ventura County Resident. Students will be pursuing a certificate or degree in Geology, Environmental Science, Coastal Environmental Studies, Oceanography, Geography, or Physical Science. Oxnard Gem and Mineral Society Committee selects recipient.
Oxnard Gem and Mineral Society - Ray Meisenheimer Memorial Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to transfer students. Must be a transferring student from Oxnard College. Students must have enrolled in a minimum of 6 or more units at the time the award is disbursed. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Must be a Ventura County Resident. Students will be pursuing a certificate or degree in Geology, Environmental Science, Coastal Environmental Studies, Oceanography, Geography, or Physical Science. Oxnard Gem and Mineral Society Committee selects recipient.
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, Beta Rho Tau Chapter - "Outstanding PTK Honor Student of the Year" Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to transfer students. Must be a transferring student from Oxnard College to a 4-year University (please attach list of universities of completed Transfer Applications). Candidates will be full-time students. Must have participated in Phi Theta Kappa at Oxnard College for at least two semesters (Please attach short essay describing your participation and time commitment in PTK activity that serves the campus and/or community). Must have a Letter of Recommendation from at least one PTK Advisor stating you are a member in good standing. Phi Theta Kappa Society, Beta Rho Tau Chapter Committee selects qualified recipients and the awardee is chosen by the Oxnard College President.
Rafael M. Guerrero Continuing Student Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to continuing/returning students at Oxnard College. Must be enrolled as a full-time student. Students must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Demonstrate a Financial Need. Ventura County Resident. Rafael M. Guerrero Committee selects recipient.
Rafael M. Guerrero Entering Student Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to entering students attending college at Oxnard College. Must be enrolled as a full-time student. Students must have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Demonstrate a Financial Need. Ventura County Resident. Rafael M. Guerrero Committee selects recipient.
Rhodes Scholar Scholarship Grant
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Be a Continuing/Returning student
- Must be either a full-time or part-time student at Oxnard College
- Earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
- Must be enrolled at Oxnard College for the Fall semester in Dance, Theater, Drama or Music
- Submit a one-page essay describing your goals, what you expect to achieve in pursuit of a performing degree arts, how will you make a difference and what is your passion?
- A Letter of Recommendation from a Performing Arts Instructor
Performing Arts Selection Committee selects recipient.
Richard Regnier Memorial "El Buen Hijo/La Buena Hija" Scholarship Grant - Continuing/Returning Students
This scholarship grant is available to continuing/returning students. Must be a full-time continuing student attending the Fall semester at Oxnard College. In addition to the Scholarship Essay, you must submit a one-page essay describing career goal(s) and helping others to include why you are "El Buen Hijo" or "La Buena Hija". Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3. Must have completed at least 15 units and attending Oxnard College. Must have participated in a leadership role at Oxnard College for at least two semesters, OR have participated in volunteer activities that serve the community.
Richard Regnier Memorial "El Buen Hijo/La Buena Hija" Scholarship Grant - Entering Students
This scholarship grant is available to entering students enrolled at Oxnard College. Must submit a one-page essay describing career goal(s) and helping others to include why you are "El Buen Hijo" or "La Buena Hija". Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3. Must be enrolled full-time and attending Oxnard College. Must have participated in a leadership role at Oxnard College for at least two semesters, OR have participated in volunteer activities that serve the community.
Richard Regnier Memorial "El Buen Hijo/La Buena Hija" Scholarship Grant - Transfer Students
This scholarship grant is available to transfer students. Must be a transferring student from Oxnard College to a 4-year University. Candidates will be full-time student at Oxnard College, and will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.3. Must be graduating from Oxnard College at the end of the current year and transferring to a 4-year university. Must have participated in a leadership role at Oxnard College for at least two semesters, OR have participated in volunteer activities that serve the community. Submit a one-page essay describing career goal(s) and helping others, to include why the student is "El Buen Hijo/La Buena Hija"
Robert and Hope Holcomb Continuing Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to continuing and returning students. Must be continuing student at Oxnard College enrolled full-time. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Must complete at least 24 units but no more than 70 units by the end of the Spring semester. Describe your leadership, community, and extracurricular activities.
Robert and Hope Holcomb Transferring Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to transfer students. Must be transferring student from Oxnard College to a 4-year University. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 or more units at the time the award is disbursed. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Must complete at least 48 units but no more than 70 units by the end of the Spring semester. Describe your leadership, community and extracurricular activities.
Roberta Ross Memorial Scholarship (Altrusa Club International of Oxnard, Inc.)
This scholarship grant is available to continuing and returning students. Must be a continuing or returning/re-entry student. (A returning student is defined as an individual returning to higher education after a break of two or more years). Must be a full-time Oxnard College student. Student will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.9.
Students in the following major will qualify:
3) Roberta Ross Memorial Scholarship - Accounting and/or Business Major
Romain Van de Genachte Memorial Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to continuing and returning students. Must be continuing at Oxnard College and enrolled full-time. Student will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. Demonstrated pattern of improvement. Demonstrated commitment to help others by assuming leadership roles and responsibilities.
Ronald Newburg Foundation Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to entering students enrolled at Oxnard College. Must be majoring in Culinary Arts. Full-time student. Preference given to students who earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
Sigma Kappa Delta Honor Society "Outstanding SKD Honor Student of the Year" Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to transfer students who are enrolled full-time. Students must be a transferring student from Oxnard College to a 4-year University. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 or more units at the time the award is disbursed. Students must be a Sigma Kappa Delta member in good standing (proof required). Students must have participated in a leadership role with Sigma Kappa Delta at Oxnard College for at least two complete semesters (Please attach short essay describing your participation and time commitment in SKD activity that serves the campus and/or community). Students must have a Letter of Recommendation from at least one SKD Club Sponsor. Sigma Kappa Delta Honor Society Committee selects qualified recipients and the awardee is chosen by the Oxnard College President.
Social Service Scholarship (Altrusa Club International of Oxnard, Inc.)
This scholarship grant is available to continuing and returning students. Must be a continuing or returning/re-entry student. (A returning student is defined as an individual returning to higher education after a break of two or more years). Must be a full-time Oxnard College student. Student will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.9.
Students majoring in the following will qualify:
7) Social Service Scholarship - Major in Any Field of Social Services;
Society of American Military Engineers, Oxnard/Ventura Post Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available for continuing and returning students who are enrolled full-time at Oxnard College. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and pursuing a major in Engineering or Architectural.
Strawberry Festival Continuing Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to continuing and returning students who are enrolled full-time at Oxnard College. Students must be majoring in one of the below STEM Majors:
1) Business: Management Information Systems;
2) Computer and Information Services: Computer Programming, Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Technology;
3) Engineering: Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical and Communication, Industrial Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Software, Computer Engineering, Nano Engineering;
4) Mathematics: Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science/Information Systems;
5) Engineering Technology: Computer Engineering Technology, Construction Technology, Drafting and Design Technology, Electrical Engineering Technology, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Surveying Technology, Telecommunication Technology;
6) Natural Resources and Conservation: Environmental Science, Forestry, National Resources and Conservation, Wildlife and Wilderness Management;
7) Physical Sciences: Applied Physics, Applied Chemistry, Chemistry, Geology/Earth Science, Geophysics, Physics, Comprehensive Science
Susan Curtis Denham & Alan Curtis Dental Hygiene Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to continuing students enrolled in the Dental Hygiene Program. Students must be enrolled full-time and attending the second year in the program for the Fall semester at Oxnard College. Students must be in good standing in the program. In scholarship grant application essay describe where you see yourself in the next five years. In your essay, explain what it means to you to become a Dental Hygienist. Strongly recommended for students to have at least one current Letter of Recommendation from Oxnard College Dental Hygiene Faculty.
Teresa O. Archuleta Memorial Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to continuing and returning students. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Students must be a continuing EOPS/CARE student at Oxnard College in the upcoming Fall semester, and must be in "good standing" in the EOPS/CARE Program. Students must have community involvement - please briefly describe. Students must have unmet financial need as determined by the Financial Aid Office. EOPS selects and funds the recipient.
The BASC - Career Education Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to continuing and returning students. Students must be a full-time continuing or returning/re-entry student. Re-entry student is defined as an individual returning to higher education after a break of two or more years. Students will have earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, and must be enrolled in a CE Program. Please indicate the name of the CE Program.
Vallarta Supermarket Grant Opportunity
This scholarship grant is available to continuing and returning students, and students must be continuing at Oxnard College. Students can be enrolled either full-time or part-time at Oxnard College, and earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 Students will be pursuing a certificate, degree or transfer to a baccalaureate institution.
Voyager Clean Energy Career Pathways Scholarship Grant
To qualify for this scholarship grant, students must meet the following criteria:
- Be a Continuing student at Oxnard College.
- Enrolled either full-time or part-time student
- Cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above
- Must be majoring in Engineering, Environmental Science, Biology, Air Conditioning or Auto Technology
OCF Selection Committee selects recipient(s)
William and Debra Gohlke Athletic Scholarship Grant
This scholarship grant is available to transferring Oxnard College students who are pursuing a certificate or transferrable degree to a baccalaureate institution. Students must be enrolled full-time and earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. Students must be a Ventura County Resident. Students must be a current member of any Varsity Oxnard College Athletics Team -- please describe your team and position. Gohlke Selection Committee selects recipient.